Pre-College Events Team Application Step 1 of 11 9% Overview The Office of Pre-College Programs offers numerous opportunities for Ole Miss students to get involved on campus and build professional skillsets. Our office hosts academic competitions and summer programming for K-12 students and hires teams of counselors to help facilitate these programs. A list of counselor opportunities and job descriptions and qualifications are available on our employment and volunteer webpage. Application Instructions Applicants MUST be currently enrolled at The University of Mississippi. Please read all instructions on this application and complete all sections. Incomplete applications will not be considered. You must submit this application with accompanying documents to the Office of Pre-College Programs (Jackson Avenue Center – Suite J) no later than 5 p.m. on the deadline dates listed below. Due to the high number of applicants, late applications will not be considered. The following position(s) are seeking applications and are due on the listed dates: Events Team Student Member (Application Deadline: August 30, 2024) This application will prompt you to upload an unofficial transcript, current resume, and letter of intent. We recommend you have these documents at hand before beginning this application. This application will require you to list the name, email address, and phone number of three (3) references. We also encourage you to communicate in advance with them and to have this information ready. Your recommenders will receive an automatic email requesting information about you. For more information on Pre-College Programs, visit our website, email, or call 662-915-7621. Counselor Application Type The Office of Pre-College Programs offers students at the University of Mississippi various options for involvement or employment. It is the responsibility of the applicant to review the job description of each position before applying. Applicant Information Please type your information using proper sentence case (ex: John Smith, not john smith or JOHN SMITH). References will be sent via automatic emails following your submission of this application using certain fields like your name in the email.UM Student ID Number (leave blank if not a UM student) Full Name(Required) First Middle Last Preferred Name(Required) PronounsCheck one or more options for the set(s) of pronouns you want people to use to refer to you. he, him, his she, her, hers they, them, theirs ze, zir, zirs per, per, pers Name Only Other Other Pronouns UsedPlease list the pronouns you want people to use to refer to you. Date of Birth(Required)Month123456789101112Day12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031Year20262025202420232022202120202019201820172016201520142013201220112010200920082007200620052004200320022001200019991998199719961995199419931992199119901989198819871986198519841983198219811980197919781977197619751974197319721971197019691968196719661965196419631962196119601959195819571956195519541953195219511950194919481947194619451944194319421941194019391938193719361935193419331932193119301929192819271926192519241923192219211920Classification by Year(Required) Freshman Sophomore Junior Senior Graduate Expected Date of Graduation(Required)Enter your expected date of graduation for your current degree program. Note: the day does not need to be precise. Month Day Year Major(Required) 2nd Major or Minor (if applicable) Current Cumulative GPA(Required) Cell Phone Number(Required)UM GMail(Required)Enter your email address. Enter Email Confirm Email Are you classified as an international student?(Required) No Yes Pre-College Program ExperiencesDid you attend a UM Pre-College Programs summer program before coming to Ole Miss?(Required) No Yes If yes, which summer program(s)? Did you attend a UM Pre-College Programs competition or event before coming to Ole Miss?(Required) No Yes If yes, which competition(s) or event(s)? Have you previously served as Pre-College Programs Competition Corps Member or Summer Staff Member?(Required) No Yes If yes, which year(s) did you serve in Competition Corps? Have you previously been employed by UM Pre-College Programs or volunteered for one of our events?(Required) No Yes If yes, which year(s) were you employed or volunteered at an event (list event)? General ExperienceWhat experience have you had working with young people?(Required)Please give dates, places, and description of duties.List any extra-curricular activities, organizations, honor societies, etc., in which you are currently or have previously been involved.(Required)Have you ever been terminated from a job or position?(Required) No Yes If yes, please briefly explain your termination.Are you currently or have you previously been employed by the University of Mississippi?(Required) No Yes Latest Supervisor (University of Mississippi employment only)Enter your latest on-campus supervisor's information, if applicable. If not currently employed at UM, please list your most recent on-campus supervisor's information here. Please be aware that your supervisor will receive an automatic email from our office to verify your employment with the respective department.Supervisor's Name(Required) Dr.MissMr.Mrs.Ms.Prof.Rev. Prefix First Last Supervisor's Email(Required) Supervisor's Position(Required) Company, Department, or Office(Required) Previous Supervisor (University of Mississippi employment only)Enter your previous on-campus supervisor's information, if applicable. Please be aware that your supervisor will receive an automatic email from our office to verify your employment with the respective department.Supervisor's Name Dr.MissMr.Mrs.Ms.Prof.Rev. Prefix First Last Supervisor's Email Supervisor's Position Company, Department, or Office UM Employee ID Number(Required)Enter your University of Mississippi Employee ID Number. This number is different from your student ID number. Interest InformationAre you available to serve for both Fall and Spring Semesters?(Required) No Maybe Yes If no, when are you unavailable to serve at a competition or event? Competition and Event Experience(Required)List your experiences and responsibilities related to academic competitions and events. If you have experience with event planning and logistics, please list that here as well. Additional Employment InformationDo you have a valid Driver’s License?(Required) No Yes Are you willing to learn to drive a University vehicles (i.e. 9 to 12-passenger vans, minivans, golf carts) and transport children?(Required) No Yes Have you been arrested and/or convicted of a felony or misdemeanor?(Required) No Yes Have you received a speeding ticket(s) within the last two years?(Required) No Yes Note: All applicants selected for the Events Team must pass a background check as required by the Supervision of Minors Policy and go through Spring training specific to the program for which the applicant is hired. ReferencesAll applicants are required to list references. We will contact your references in order to obtain needed information about your academic integrity, character, and work ethic. Applicants should not use a family member as a reference. Additionally, you may have only one student reference (such as an organizational president). Please note that if you do not have at least one teacher/faculty and one other adult reference, your application will not be considered. Please type your references' names using proper sentence case (ex: Dr. John Smith, not dr. john smith or DR. JOHN SMITH). References will be sent automatic emails following your submission of this application.Instructor or ProfessorPlease list an on-campus reference and include their details below.Instructor or Professor Name(Required) Dr.MissMr.Mrs.Ms.Prof.Rev. Prefix First Last Position(Required) Department(Required) Email(Required) PhoneEmployer or Other AdultPlease list a current or recent employer and include their details below. If you have not been employed before, enter another adult that you have or have had a working relationship with for at least 6 months or more (e.g. coach, student organization sponsor, community leader, etc.).Employer or Other Adult Name(Required) Dr.MissMr.Mrs.Ms.Prof.Rev. Prefix First Last Position(Required) Department(Required) Email(Required) PhoneCharacter ReferenceOptional reference. This can be a student reference (i.e. an organizational president). Please include their details belowCharacter Reference Name Dr.MissMr.Mrs.Ms.Prof.Rev. Prefix First Last Position Department Email Phone Upload Required DocumentationA complete application should include the following documentation: unofficial transcript, current resume, and letter of intent. Incomplete applications will not be considered for review.UM Transcript(Required)Upload a copy of your unofficial University of Mississippi transcript. An unofficial transcript can be downloaded from your account.Max. file size: 64 MB.Current Resume(Required)Upload a copy of your current resume.Max. file size: 64 MB.Letter of Intent(Required)Upload your letter of intent.Max. file size: 64 MB. Finishing the ApplicationA Selection Committee composed of three professional UM staff members will review all completed applications. All communication from the Office of Pre-College Programs will be via your UM email. You will be able to schedule an interview after submitting the application form.Pre-College Events Team Agreement(Required) I, the above applicant and undersigned, hereby attest that the information provided in the aforementioned application is accurate up until the date signed. I understand that if the information is found to be misleading or untruthful, my application will be withdrawn and employment through said office will not be offered to me at any time. I have read and understand the job requirements for said position. I understand that if offered a position I am required to participate in position-related activities during the Fall and Spring semesters and participate in all required trainings.Applicant Signature(Required) Type your name to sign this application.