Program Rules and Guidelines
The Office of Pre-College Programs hosts a wide variety of academic programs and camps during the summer. All students participating in these programs are obliged to comply with the same rules and guidelines. This module details a list of guidelines and rules for students in our summer immersion programs. Students cross-registered in a elementary or middle school level day camp program will still need to complete the Day Camp Programs Rules and Guidelines module.
Specific dates, times, locations, and updated information will be emailed to parents and students two weeks prior to the session.
Residential Information
Check-In, Move-In, and Orientation
Pre-Move-In Responsibilities
Students are expected to complete all required parts of the pre-summer checklist.
Summer move-in will occur in two stages – initial check-in and move-in. Check-In will be held at the assigned residence hall, starting at 2:00 p.m. CST. After check-in has been completed, the student will be able to move into their assigned room with the help of a parent, guardian, and or other family members.
Students should be checked-in and moved into their room by no later than 3:30 p.m. CST.
Orientation Session
Following move-in, students, parent, and guardians will attend an Orientation Session. Attendance is mandatory for students and highly encouraged for parents and guardians. After the Welcome Session, students will be dismissed to participate in a class location and campus tour, and parents and guardians will be asked to stay for a final session.
Welcome Dinner and Evening Activities
After the class location and campus tour, students will rejoin for a Welcome Dinner and participate in evening activities with their assigned communities.
Residence Hall Information
Meal Plan- Residential
What to Bring
All students are expected to bring school supplies such as notebooks and pens. Students may bring their own computer; a computer lab will be available if necessary for the camp. Some camps may require specific clothing (e.g. closed toe shoes for a lab-based camp) – information will be emailed two weeks prior to the camp.
For safety reasons, do not bring jewelry, large amounts of cash, or other valuable items.
Overview of Activities During the Program
Attendance at Activities: For students to benefit from the college experience, all students are expected to attend all activities and all class sessions. Students will be given the choice to attend some events or activities, but community activities are mandatory for residential students.
Additional Residential Experience Guidelines
Visitors: Due to the strenuous schedule of activities during the program, off-campus visitors are not allowed during the week. For all students’ safety, no visitors are allowed in the students’ rooms, including parents, family members, and friends, unless they are assisting with move-in or move-out.
Automobiles: If a student brings their automobile they must purchase a visitor’s parking permit from Parking and Transportation Services. The use of personal vehicles while in attendance to the program will be limited to traveling home on weekends and only with the permission of a parent and the Director’s approval. Students cannot drive their car at any other time. Vehicle keys should be turned in to a counselor as soon as unpacking is completed.
Transportation to and from Campus: The University can be accessed by plane, taxi, or private automobile. The nearest major airport is in Memphis, Tennessee. Students must arrange their flight to and from Memphis International Airport (MEM). The office of Pre-College will offer limited shuttles from Memphis International Airport on designated dates and times. If you require a shuttle provided by the university, please complete the shuttle request form.Illness: Students exhibiting medical symptoms requiring medical attention will be transported by program staff to an Urgent Care (during business hours) or the local Emergency Room, as indicated by level of severity and time of day. Any student diagnosed with a communicable disease such as COVID, flu, or strep throat will be sent home. Program fees are non-refundable for students dismissed due to illness.
Commuter Experience
Check-In and Orientation
Pre-Check-In Responsibilities
Students are expected to complete all required parts of the pre-summer checklist.
Check-In for commuter students will be available at 4:00 p.m. CST at the orientation location.
Orientation Session
Following check-in, students, parent, and guardians will attend an Orientation Session. Attendance is mandatory for students and highly encouraged for parents and guardians. After the Orientation Session, commuter students will be dismissed for the evening to go home with their parent or guardian.
Meal Plan- Commuter
What to Bring
For safety reasons, do not bring jewelry, large amounts of cash, or other valuable items.
Overview of Activities During the Program
Attendance at Activities: For students to benefit from the college experience, all students are expected to attend all activities and all class sessions.Commuter students will be dismissed after class is over each day.
Additional Commuter Experience Guidelines
Visitors: Due to the strenuous schedule of activities during the program, off-campus visitors are not allowed during the week.
Automobiles: If a student brings their automobile they must purchase a visitor’s parking permit from Parking and Transportation Services. The use of personal vehicles while in attendance to the program will be limited to traveling to and from campus each day
Emergency Information
In the event of an emergency between the hours of 8:00 am and 5:00 pm (CST), please call our office at 662-915-7621.
If the emergency happens after hours or during the weekend, please call the emergency number that will be provided during orientation.
If an emergency occurs on campus, students must contact a counselor, staff, or the director immediately.
Contact lists for the staff and other emergency numbers will be given at registration and orientation.
Behavioral Expectations
All Pre-College Programs participants are expected to conduct themselves responsibly, honestly, and with due consideration for others. This expectation for mature and responsible conduct also encompasses accountability for one’s own well-being, including responsible decision-making regarding physical and mental health.
All participants of Pre-College Programs must familiarize themselves with the general guidelines and the general rules. Because students are expected to show good judgement at all times, not every kind of misconduct or behavioral expectation is defined here.
All participating students are expected to follow and uphold the Creed of the University of Mississippi.
UM Creed
The University of Mississippi is a community of learning dedicated to nurturing excellence in intellectual inquiry and personal character in an open and diverse environment. As a voluntary member of this community:
General Expectations
University Rules
- All Pre-College Programs participants must abide by all University of Mississippi rules and regulations. This includes:
- University of Mississippi Minors on Campus policies
- Residence Hall Code of Conduct
- Academic Codes
- The M Book
- UM Creed
- Pre-College Programs Rules
Students are expected to show respect for one another, for program staff, and for all people on campus.
Students are expected to participate constructively in program activities.
Failure to comply with any of these rules can lead to disciplinary procedures
Residential Program Rules
- Pre-College Programs students living in any of the University residence halls must comply with Residence Halls Rules.
- Students must attend announcements from Monday to Thursday at 4:30 pm at the designated location.
- If a student is not in class, in a community activity, or with accompanied by a counselor, they must be inside their residence hall at all times.
- Students must be inside their room by 10:00 pm every night.
- Students must attend planned activities when they are scheduled.
Commuter Program Rules
- Students must attend all sessions scheduled by instructor.
- Commuter students are not allowed in residence halls unless parents have contacted the program director and made arrangements for the student to attend community activities.
- Commuter students are not allowed to stay the night in the residence hall under any circumstances.
Visits to Other Buildings and Visitors in Building
- It is strictly forbidden for a Pre-College Programs student to visit any other residence halls, fraternity or sorority houses, and campus apartments. These facilities are off-limits at all times. This includes the public lobbies of those facilities. Visiting other residence halls is cause for dismissal from the program.
- No visitors are allowed in the students’ rooms, including parents or family members unless they are assisting with move-in or move-out during the scheduled move-in/move-out times.
- Students cannot visit other students’ rooms after 10:00 pm. If it is an emergency, the student must contact a program counselor immediately. Failure to comply will result in disciplinary procedures.
Leaving Campus Rules
Drugs and Other Substances Rules
**Participation in an incident or attending a gathering involving alcohol, illegal drugs, and/or the misuse of prescription drugs, or other means employed to induce results or effects similar to intoxication or impairment is cause for immediate dismissal from the program, even if the only evidence is social media.
From the M Book: Students, visitors, and other individuals affiliated with the University have the right to an environment free of conduct that unreasonably interferes, hinders, or otherwise denies equal access to University resources or opportunities. Therefore, students, visitors, and other individuals affiliated with the University should refrain from harassing others and creating an environment that denies these rights (a “hostile environment”). Whether conduct creates a hostile environment that denies equal access to University resources or opportunities is based on the totality of the circumstances, and includes the following considerations:
- The degree to which the conduct affects or affected one or more individuals’ ability to access an educational program or activity;
- The type, frequency, and duration of the conduct;
- The parties’ ages and roles within the education program or activity;
- The previous interactions between the parties; and
- The location of the conduct and the context in which it occurred.
Online harassment is also judged according to the above framework. If such actions are reported to Pre-College Program staff, an investigation will be made. Any participant found to have engaged in creating a hostile environment that denies equal access to University resources or opportunities may be subject to disciplinary action that includes dismissal from the program without a refund.
Violence and Assault Rules
Taking pictures of other participants and/or counselors and posting them on social media with intentions of harming, bullying, mocking, or showing disrespect is not tolerated. Students involved in such conduct will be subject to disciplinary procedures.
Consequences for Rule Violations
Major versus Minor Rule Violations
- Minor violations are when a student intends no harm or disrespect for the rules. For example, being too boisterous in the residence hall is usually a minor violation, as is being five minutes past curfew.
- Major violations are when the student shows malice or disrespect of the rules. For example, intentionally harming another student is a major violation, as is breaking one of the program rules. In the above minor violation examples, being boisterous in the residence hall rises to major level if someone is caused harm or if a student intentionally disregards warnings. A curfew violation would rise to major level if it were repeatedly by more than 10 minutes, or if a student was being disrespectful by purposefully going to their room past curfew.
- Penalties for minor rule violations include loss of privileges.
- Major rule violation will in most cases lead to dismissal from the program.
Major Rule Violation Review
If a student is suspected of a major violation, a student investigation will be opened. Pre-College Program staff will follow the steps below during the investigation:
- If they are suspected of a major violation involving their room, they may be subject to a room search.
- If cell phones or other digital devices were involved in the suspected violation, devices from all students involved may be collected (not searched).
- If multiple students were involved, they will be separated and facts gathered. Depending on the severity of the situation, University Police or the Title IX Office could become involved at this step.
- Once the investigation is over and a decision about action has been made, parents/guardians for all parties involved will be contacted and given a full report.
- One of two actions will be taken according to the rules and general guidelines of The University of Mississippi and the Office of Pre-College Programs:
- No major violation is found – Disciplinary action will be imposed at the discretion of professional staff.
- A major rule violation has occurred – Send student home. (All program and registration fees are non-refundable)
Students dismissed for conduct reasons will not be issued a refund.